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Saturday, 27 January 2018

Campcraft Competition 2018

Team 1
Team 2

This year the Cadet Leaders and the Secondary 3 Cadets had an opportunity to showcase their talent for camp craft. There were two teams which took part and these two teams had put in a lot of effort to practice their skills in pitching tents and building gadgets for everyday use. Therefore as fruits for labour, team 1 emerged in the Top 20 and Team 2 emerged in Top 50. We are very proud of them and we would like to thank the alumni for coming for each camp craft practice session and helping us spot our mistakes.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

CCA Orientation 2018

On 6 January 2018, Montfort Secondary School had its CCA orientation to provide an opportunity for Secondary 1 students to view each CCA's booth to select their preferred CCA. Therefore, Montfort NPCC unit had created a booth that showcased the various ranks, badges, rifles, batons and the CSI kit . The Secondary 1 students had an opportunity to have a hands-on activity to identify fingerprints. Furthermore, the Cadet Leaders had a skit to simulate a terrorist attack. Moreover, Montfort NPCC and the Montfort NCDCC unit had collaborated to come up with a skit to reinforce the importance of SG secure. "I really think that the skit was very eye-pleasing to watch and it had lots of learning points such as to keep a lookout for suspicious people where ever I go. Moreover, this skit actually made me attracted to join NPCC."-  Ian, Secondary 1 Cadet