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Monday, 10 August 2015

Adventure/Survival Training Camp 2015

From the 10th to the 12th of July, our Secondary 2 and 3 Cadets had attended their Adventure and Survival Training Camps. It was definitely a new experience for them as they attended their camp with Area 7 instead of Area 6. We are also proud to announce that Lance Corporal (NPCC) Fabrian had been awarded with the best camper award for the Adventure Training Camp. For The Survival Training Camp, Group 8 had won the best group award and Corporal (NPCC) Hon Hua was a member of the group. Lastly we would like to express our appreciation to the participants for participating actively in all the activities.

'ATC was a really fun and unforgettable experience. Many new friendships and bonds were formed. ATC was a test of our resilience. For example, when we got to Pulau Ubin by ferry, we had to walk all the way to the campsite while other schools took a van there. During our kayaking session, some of us were scared of water and some of us could not swim. However we managed to conquer kayaking with ease and it was really fun. We also had to get through low elements and one of them was rock climbing. It took us lots of great effort to get to the top of the wall but it was worth it. Also, when pitching the tents, we had to teach some of our group mates how to tie the correct knots and peg correctly. Some of us had blisters on our hands but with resilience and determination, we managed to pitch our tents and got through all the activities. I think that our juniors will have as much fun as we had during ATC.' - Squad Zeus (Cadet Leaders of 2016/2017)

'STC was definitely and eye opener for all of us. We forged many new friendships with cadets from a different area whom we have never seen before! Never had we expected this to be the biggest impact on us as cadets in NPCC. All of us were separated and all alone in our various groups. During the tent pitching, we faced many issues with the tentage material. Some cadets were also unsure of what to do . However we managed to bring them up to speed and got the job well done. During the team building activities, we had bonded together with our groups. Then there was the Intermediate Rope Course. It was definitely different from other rope courses as it contained unique safety features. Many of us had stumbled on the different courses but we managed to pull through. Lastly, there was the Survival Training. In this course, we learned how to start a fire with just twigs and dry leaves. Also, we learned how to build a shelter. This was definitely beneficial as it taught us how to brave the wild and survive. In our opinion, the campfire was the highlight of the whole camp as our groups had worked together to perform a cheer that had received loud applause from everyone else. We are all proud to say that we are still in touch with our other group mates.' - Squad Lynix (Cadet Leaders of 2015/2016)

We would like to thank all trainers who have put in their heart and soul to make this area camp and HUGE success

'Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort' - Paul J. Meyer